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The Enneagram for Parents

What is your default parenting type? 

The Nitpicker

The Smotherer

The Fame-Seeker

The Drama Lama

The Distant Observer

The Disaster Master

The Exhausting Enthusiast

The Steamroller

The Laidback Complier


ennea is a Greek word simply meaning '9'.


The Ennea-gram is a blueprint that exposes our core ego motives and how it impacts us and our kids.


Join me in discovering which of the 9 Ennea-types is your default parenting style. 

My wife and I couldn't believe what was happening in our family...


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  • Time is TBD
    Somerset West, Somerset West, Cape Town, South Africa
    In this in-person advanced course to the Enneagram, you'll discover if your natural instinct is to be self-preservation, social or sexual. Integrate the Enneagram to an ever deeper level in your life through this deep-dive into the subtypes.
  • 29 Jan 2025, 20:30 – 21:30 GMT+2
    Virtual Masterclass
    In this FREE 60 minute - Masterclass, you'll discover the 3 hidden patterns that are blocking your connection with your kids and learn how to rebuild a deep, lasting bond. Your greatest gift is your presence, not your wallet.
  • 15 Oct 2024, 18:30 – 21:30
    Mindful Parenting with the Enneagram
    Discover the Enneagram's transformative wisdom for parenting. Gain deep insights into your parenting style, nurture your child's uniqueness, and foster a more harmonious family dynamic. Reserve your spot now for a journey towards mindful and heart-centred parenting.
  • 04 Nov 2023, 08:00 – 17:30 GMT+2
    Parel Vallei High School, Parel Valley Rd, Parel Vallei, Cape Town, 7130, South Africa
    Die Enneagram dien as bloudruk wat die dieptes van jou hart en motiewe onthul en bemagtig jou om jou ouerskapbenadering te identifiseer en aan te pas. The Enneagram serves as blueprint, unveiling the depths of you heart and motives, empowering you to recognize and fine-tune your parenting approach.
  • 28 Jul 2023, 18:00 GMT+2 – 29 Jul 2023, 18:00 GMT+2
    Cape Town, Somerset West, Cape Town, South Africa
    In this in-person introductory course to the Enneagram, you'll discover your true self like never before. You'll also identify your core operating system, deepen relationships, and learn to live life fearlessly.
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