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It's The Little Things...

Lukas de Beer

Gratitude is a grounding emotion. It's the little things in life that remind us the reasons for gratitude are hidden everywhere.

An elementary alphabet of gratitude.

Thank you for air

Thank you for bread

Thank you for coffee

Thank you for dogs

Thank you for energy

Thank you for fireflies

Thank you for grannies

Thank you for hands

Thank you for irises

Thank you for jasmine

Thank you for kisses

Thank you for liberty

Thank you for music

Thank you for numbers

Thank you for oxyhemoglobin

Thank you for pterodactyls

Thank you for questions

Thank you for rain

Thank you for struggles

Thank you for toothpaste

Thank you for ultraviolet

Thank you for vanilla

Thank you for wine

Thank you for xylophonists

Thank you for yes's

Thank you for zeroes

Please share with me, what's your alphabet of gratitude today?

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